By Aishatu Ahmed Kachalla, Kashere


Despite the country’s economic challenges, high cost of living and skyrocketed prices of food items and other commodities occasioned by the Federal Government’s fuel subsidy removal, students at the Federal University of Kashere still manage to buy recipes that make dishes more appealing.

The students said they still cook with meat, vegetables and other spices.

A student of Micro Biology Sauban Idiris Ibrahim admitted that “Even with the hardship in the country we managed to buy meat and vegetables for our dishes”.

“The traders have increased prices of food stuff knowing fully that, majority of us came from different states, and hardly eat without meat or vegetables”, he lamented.

Sauban however appealed to the traders to reason with the students considering the economic condition of the country, and stop making things worse than necessary.

A butcher man in Kashere Muhammad Abdullahi who spent over 20 years in meat business, admitted that students are his major customers.

“Coming to university has been a blessing to my business, because students buy more from us than villagers. Students have been my major customers and they buy a lot than the people of the community. Whenever there is a strike or students are on holiday, we find it difficult to survive here”, the butcher attested.

A student of International Relations at the university Abbas Sulaiman, reasoned with meat seller, that the major meat buyers in the community are students.