By Yunusa Isa, Gombe


Tal Daju and Lawildu Tudu communities of Ɓilliri Local Government Area of Gombe State have expressed profound gratitudes to Hope Springs International (HSI) for coming to their aid by addressing their aged long water scarcities.

The two remote and hard to reach communities who lack basic amenities, couldn’t hide their happiness for the gestures.


In a welcome address, during the commissioning and handing over ceremony of the motorized borehole, the Ward Head of Tal Daju, Mr Bakari Bawasa, appreciated HSI for coming to their rescue against water borne diseases emanating from the stream waters they have been depending on for decades.

“Hope Spring, you Rambi Ayala and your team have brought us life, you saved us from cholera and other killer diseases, and equally bring to an end, the hardships being faced by our women and children in fetching waters from long distance. Our children will now have enough time for school and concentrate more on their studies. We say thank you and God reward you in his unique ways”.


Also speaking, the village head of Tal Daju Usman Iliyasu, represented by Elder Dedan Kamasko, commended HSI and its officials for the gesture, calling on the community members to share the waters with neighboring communities.

He debunked the notion that the project was carried out during the rainy season for quick reach to water, and that the waters may seize during the dry season.


He equally sensitize the community that the borehole can never be contaminated by toilets, except when there are porous openings directly into the borehole which he said hardly exist, considering the quality and standards of the project.

Others who spoke during the event; Engineer Peter Bwala, Falagu Burga and Titus Timothy appreciated Rambi Ibrahim Ayala for having them at heart, making it possible to enjoy the gesture from HSI.


On the other hand, elders and community leaders at the other benefitting community; Lawildu Tudu, said the gesture took them by surprise, as the organization never promised them anything of such nature, but executed same at international standards.

Speaking during the commissioning and handing over of the project in memory of David Lamb, the representatives of the community members Danladi Nuhu, Reverend Ketus Amaila, Ishiyaku Samanja and Daddiyo Samuel said the water project has brought life not only to Lawildu Tudu, but to the entire surrounding communities.

They said the community has nothing to show as dividend of democracy, but courtesy of Hope Springs International through its Africa Director of Operations Barrister Rambi Ibrahim Ayala and his team, Lawildu Tudu has witnessed a significant development it least expect at the moment.


They said “Politicians have been promising us all sorts of developments including water and others basic amenities without keeping to their words, but Hope Springs International never promised us this, but see water today in Lawildu Tudu, we are grateful sir”.


The members attested that the borehole is the first ever project executed in the community in whatever capacity by any government or group.


They prayed for God Almighty to reward the NGO and its officials.

“We ask God Almighty to reward your efforts for coming to our aid at this critical moment when we lost hope for water, but you revived and actualize our aged-long dreams”.


The two communities however appealed to HSI, well meaning individuals and groups to support them with generator sets, to facilitate power supply for the water projects.

In his address while handing the projects, the President Hope Springs International Lee Hodges, represented by the NGO’s Director Operations in Africa Barrister Rambi Ibrahim Ayala, said the projects have no political colouration, maintaining that the sole aim of the NGO is to lift remote and unreached communities out of hardships through humanity driven projects especially in hard to reach areas.


He said “Hope Springs International focuses mainly on unreached communities lagging behind in basic social amenities like water, healthcare and education”.

The director charged members of the communities to take responsibility and ownership of the projects through proper supervision and maintenance.


“With regard to your appeal for a generator, is not that we cannot afford to provide you with one, but we want you, the benefitting communities to show some sense of commitments and responsibility to own the project. If you can commit something no matter how little, it will make you feel more responsible to take care of the project”, he encouraged.

Barrister Rambi appealed that “Please don’t let this borehole stop on minor issues, put a strong committee in place to ensure it keep flowing, it’s meant for you, make good use of it”.


Happiness can be widely seen on the faces of members of the two communities, as they jubilate and dance while singing songs of appreciation to Rambi and Hope Springs International.